
We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.


We are here to help you get started. In these pages you will find information on how to take steps at home, at work, and in schools. We have created pages for each of these categories with lots of local information, practical advice, links to other organisations and downloadable resources.

It can seem a daunting task to change how we shop, cook and clean, or to persuade family members and work colleagues to get involved in the cause. There can also be a concern that it may be more expensive and time consuming to avoid plastic – time and money are certainly precious resources in anyone’s lives! On top of that, we can feel overwhelmed by the scale of plastic pollution and believe that small, individual actions won’t make a difference.

The antidote to these concerns is to start with small steps and to keep it really simple. There is no need to buy new equipment or to throw out your old tupperware. Find support and inspiration from others who are on the same journey and share your story with us on our social media. The chances are that the changes you make will have multiple positive consequences and new habits will soon feel like the new ‘normal’ to you. We hope you will find that creating less waste and being part of a growing movement is a truly rewarding experience.