
Here is a list of our upcoming events

Sheffield Plastic Free Market #1
Sunday 14th April, 10.30am – 4.00pm
Trafalgar Warehouse, 120 Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, S1 4JT

Sheffield Action on Plastic are proud to announce Sheffield’s first Plastic Free Market, sponsored by TravelMaster.

The Market aims to be the one-stop shop for helping you to reduce your single-use plastics and transition to a Plastic Free lifestyle.

⭐ Stunning products from local independent businesses, all without any plastic
⭐ Delicious street food and bar drinks (served in reusable cups)
⭐ Toe-tapping live music from local musicians

The Plastic Free Market will be what it says on the tin…with no single use plastics given out during the event. Please bring your own:
⭐ reusable bags
⭐ washed reusable bottles
⭐ washed reusable cups
⭐ washed reusable containers
⭐ washed reusable cutlery

The first market is lined up to coincide with Earth Day which takes place on 22nd April each year.

Previous events

Film screening: Plastic Warriors and optional litter pick
Sunday 11th June, 1.30pm arrive, 2pm film screening

Showroom Cinema
In partnership with Showroom Cinema
Tickets £5pp

Has our plastic problem improved? Despite enormous public, industry and policy attention in the past 5 years, this new eye-opening feature documentary investigates the damaging effects plastic pollution is continuing to have on our health, lifestyle, and wildlife with a strong focus on the UK. The film tells the story of the Plastic Warriors – from eminent scientists, campaigners on the front line, to the innovators and designers working on solutions to solve this global crisis that politicians and governments are largely ignoring.

The film takes audiences on a journey to deep sea coral reefs, basking shark hotspots and huge seabird colonies, to discover first-hand the extreme danger of the scourge of plastic that is engulfing every aspect of their lives. Plastic Warriors is an urgent reminder about the wider issues and a film that inspires action.

Thursday 18th May, 7pm, Showroom Cafe Bar
Sheffield’s Reusable Revolution: What We’ve Learnt and What Comes Next

A Festival of Debate event, featuring sustainable packaging expert, Sarah Greenwood.

In the UK we use 7 million disposable coffee cups every day – that’s 2.5 billion every year, with only 1% recycled. Around 100+ million plastic cups are used every year at UK festivals and live events, and most of these are incinerated or sent to landfill.

What’s the solution? Reusables! For every 1 million reusable event cups in regular use, 1000 tonnes of C02e emissions and 300 tonnes of waste could be avoided.

Since May 2022, Plastic Free Sheffield Central have been investigating the possibilities of reusable pint and coffee cups. Come along and find out what we’ve been up to and where we are in our journey to tackle plastic pollution and plastic waste. This is Sheffield’s Reusable Revolution.

Thursday 17th November, 4.30pm-6pm, University of Sheffield Management School

Join Plastic Free Sheffield Central and Sheffield Sustainability Network to talk all things single-use plastics! The event will explore why reducing single-use plastics is essential to your business operations and the benefits of doing so for your organisation and the environment. We’ll share tips, ideas, and case studies on how to make plastic-free swaps as a business. The event will be an opportunity to network with other local businesses and make a pledge to reduce plastic across the city.

Photo by Globelet Reusable on Unsplash

Tuesday 17th May 2022, 7pm for 7.30pm start
Quaker Meeting House, St James Street, Sheffield, S1 2EW

The Reusable Revolution: The shift away from disposable plastics

To mark the launch of new campaign action group, Plastic Free Sheffield Central, hear from ‘Packaging fairy’ Sarah Greenwood, a consultant working on the University of Sheffield’s Many Happy Returns project, which aims to enable reusable packaging systems and so reduce the need for single-use plastic.

At this event, Sarah will talk about how reuse systems could reduce the environmental impact of plastic, and you’re invited to join the discussion.

Arrive 7pm for 7.30pm start

About Sarah
With degrees in Physics and Polymer Science from the University of Sheffield, Sarah Greenwood has over 20 years’ experience in the plastics and packaging industries. She now works as a sustainable packaging and plastics specialist, working with companies from start-ups to blue chips on all aspects of innovation, specification and problem solving.